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Specialized Study Certificate in Entrepreneurial Modern Agriculture

Ray of Light

Obtain a Certificate in Modern Agriculture

This specialized certificate in entrepreneurial modern agriculture has been developed to expedite the industry’s transition to next generation agricultural methods in order to alleviate food insecurity, mitigate effects of climate change, and spur growth of an innovation ecosystem in Inland Southern California. The university extension course spans the disciplines of business, science, and engineering to prepare graduates with sought after skills that are normally only gained after years into a career, and will uniquely prepare graduates to enter the workforce as an entrepreneur with a broad knowledge of modern agricultural solutions. The program discusses plant biology fundamentals and the application of plant tissue culture methods in agricultural biotechnology, which is used to speed variety development and production. The course also covers the fundamentals of controlled environment agriculture and the basics of AgTech, which includes the use of robotics, big data, automation, biotech, precision agriculture, artificial intelligence, machine learning and computer sensors to improve yield and quality and reduce pesticide use. 

The credit-based certificate program is divided into two pathway choices – biology and genomics or controlled environmental agriculture. Total time for completion is 12 weeks. The full program has online and in person elements, however, some participants may choose just to complete the first quarter online and receive partial credit for the program. The course is designed for people with high school degrees and some basic science and other courses, equivalent to 2nd year undergraduate level.

Applicants must first have completed the Phase 1 INNOVAR Class and be invited to apply, as spaces are limited. 

Modern Agriculture: 12-Week Program

After completing INNOVAR, your program manager and mentor will develop a path forward. This may include more detailed courses on agriculture, transportation, or other options. Some of the potential courses are listed below: 

  • Basics of Plant Biology and Physiology (BPSCX461): September 1, 2025 - October 10th, 2025. Virtual meetings every Wednesday at 5-6pm
  • Sustainable Transportation Solutions and Community Impact Mitigation (ENGRX482): dates TBD. In-person commitments are every Saturday 12-4PM at the CE-CERT Lab in Riverside, along with several field trips to happen during the week
  • Introduction to Sustainable Transportation and Associated Community Impacts (ENGRX481): dates TBD. Online asynchronous courses and virtual meetings every Thursday at 5-6pm. 
  • Advanced Controlled Environmental Agriculture (BPSCX463.A): October 13th, 2025 - November 21st, 2025. Virtual meetings every Thursday at 5-6PM. In-person commitments are TBD. 
  • Advanced Plant Biology Laboratory (BPSCX463): October 13th, 2025 - November 21st, 2025. In-person commitments are every Saturday 1-5PM at the Plant Transformation Research Center Lab at UCR.  
  • Controlled Environmental Agriculture (BPSCX462): September 1, 2025 - October 10th, 2024. Virtual meetings every Thursday at 5-6pm. 


  • Course 1. Basics of Plant Biology and Physiology: Fundamentals of Plant Growth and Propagation (1 unit)

    BPSCX 461: Basics of Plant Biology and Physiology: Fundamentals of Plant Growth and Propagation (1 unit) 

    Modern Agriculture increasingly requires scientists and teachers to work at the physiological, molecular and genetics level to answer both fundamental and practical problems for the agricultural industry. Over the past years, the need for laboratory-greenhouse training has increased significantly due to the emerging indoor ag production industry. As a consequence, research and teaching programs are being augmented from a solely strong field orientation to a laboratory-greenhouse orientation. In contrast to traditional techniques, modern plant scientists and breeders use sophisticated controlled environmental facilities extensively to speed variety development and production, using in vitro tissue culture, plant transformation, and gene editing to incorporate genetic traits to improve disease resistance, productivity, and food quality. By using controlled environmental facilities, at least three generations of plants can be produced each year compared to one generation in the field. These new approaches require high-quality facilities and lack of them severely limits program productivity.      The quicker a business adopts these approaches, the more competitive it will remain or become in international markets. This course will teach the basic biological principles of plant regeneration from isolated cells and tissues and their commercial applications in the form of large-scale clonal propagation and genetic improvement of cultivated plants. Upon completion of this course,      students will learn plant biology fundamentals and the application of plant tissue culture methods in agricultural biotechnology. 

  • Course 2. Fundamentals of Controlled Environment Agriculture (1 unit)

    BPSCX 462: Fundamentals of Controlled Environment Agriculture (1 unit) 

    Next-generation farmers will develop an understanding of the essential theories, design, and processes underlying a broad spectrum of sustainable agricultural technologies or AgTech (e.g., robotics, big data, automation, biotech, precision agriculture, artificial intelligence, machine learning, computer sensors, etc.) to increase productivity while reducing environmental and social costs.  Knowledge application will be used in a controlled environment agriculture (CEA) Greenhouse, a foundational CEA system, to operate and manage technologies in advanced and innovative CEA settings. Course covers current traditional CEA methods and applications to more advanced CEA facilities such as fully automated greenhouses, container/freight farming, Plant Factory with Artificial Lighting (PFAL), cubic farming, etc. Demonstration of knowledge will be showcased in an independent CEA system designed project. The course also examines the interplay of production goals, resources, geography, materials, and market outputs shape the design parameters around a given CEA facility. 


(Choose either course 3a or 3b)

  • Course 3a. Advanced Controlled Environment Agriculture: Design and Laboratory Demonstration Project (3 units)

    BPSCX 463.A: Advanced Controlled Environment Agriculture: Design and Laboratory Demonstration Project (3 units) 

    In this course, students will build on the foundations and essential theories between the interplay of how production goals, resources, geography, materials, and market outputs shape the design parameters around a given Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) facility. The course is a hands-on exploration of a broad spectrum of AgTech as well as an opportunity to gain experience with advanced CEA technologies used in agriculture today. Students will apply knowledge in an independent CEA project through an iterative design process and be exposed to the newest trends in the design of a commercial-scale sustainable CEA facility delivered through lectures, discussions, and guest expert speakers. Integrated into the course is a hands-on laboratory application experience where students work in an immersive greenhouse setting to design, operate, and maintain a commercial production facility. Students learn how to apply basic technical skills to develop their own project concepts that include production goals, internet research, tour facilities available for the project concept (or off-campus), geographic location of the project site, etc. Students will formulate production goals based on current market demands and economic realities facing agriculture today; then explore how these might be met using innovative technologies including robotics, sensors, wireless technology, drone technology, advanced controls, and automation systems based upon big data derived from IoT technology.

  • Course 3b. Tissue Culture Methods for the Clonal Propagation and Genetic Improvement of Cultivated Plants (3 units)

    BPSCX 463: Tissue Culture Methods for the Clonal Propagation and Genetic Improvement of Cultivated Plants (3 units)

    This course will teach the principles of plant regeneration from isolated cells and tissues and provide training in plant cell and tissue culture technologies oriented to the commercial, large-scale clonal propagation and genetic improvement of cultivated plants. On completion of this course the students will have developed the necessary skills to apply to jobs in agricultural biotechnology companies. 

  • Course 4. Entrepreneurship

    MGTX 464: Entrepreneurship (1 unit) 

    This course helps accelerate the launch of a startup or business. This experiential course, focused on mentorship, is designed to help participants validate their idea, saving time and money.  The course takes students from theory to practice and connects them to potential customers of their business that will ultimately confirm if the student’s idea is viable.   Students will assess a concept or product in the framework of a business opportunity. This includes assessing whether an idea has market appeal (product/market fit), and includes identification of the business ecosystem, stakeholders, customer segment, value proposition and market size. Through customer interviews students will identify customer pain points or problems which will aid in refining their business idea or technology.  Students will develop valuable interviewing skills as they prove or disprove hypothesis about their business venture and the value that they bring to the customer. Students will learn first-hand from a group of accomplished entrepreneurs and business professional experts in the field, as well as directly from their potential customers.