For Inland Empire Small Business Owners and Executives
Transform your business in 2023 with UC Riverside’s no-cost technology consulting program: TACIES
Watch: Two Minutes on TACIES
Now, choose one or more of the narrated videos below on four technology topics that will inform you about state-of-the-art technology that can grow your business.
Each takes 15 minutes to view.
Then let us know if you would like to apply for free consulting (6-8 hours) on one of these topics from a regional consultant expert. Use the “Apply Now” link at the bottom of this page.
Click on the icons below to view one or more narrated videos now!
Data Analytics: Use data for business process prediction, diagnostics and customer satisfaction
5G and Internet of Things: Doing business in a highly connected environment (mobile business, sensor tech, real‐time data, etc.)
Cybersecurity: Improve business operations, including privacy, data security, and fraud
Robotics and Automation: Collaborative assistance in logistics, fabrication, labs, etc.)
For manufacturing companies only!
Click here to APPLY NOW for free technology assistance consulting for your business! Note: Applicants must have Riverside County or San Bernardino County physical location or owner residence:
Other TACIES services:
Financial Fitness BootCamp
Are you a business owner and you know you need to strengthen your financial technical skills? TACIES is partnering with the Cal State San Bernardino Inland Empire Center for Entrepreneurship (IECE) to offer technical assistance and access to UC Riverside resources to help you implement what you’ve learned.
Write to us at for details.
Small Business Resource Engine
Looking for experienced partners to solve daily business challenges? We have partnered with the Microenterprise Collaborative to make their searchable web tool easily available to visitors on the TACIES portal. We are also working together to double the number of Inland Empire organizations whose technical and other business services are searchable in the engine.
Try the Business Assistance tool at:
CEO/Owner Tech Roundtables
And we will invite you to join us for our upcoming “CEO/Owner Tech Roundtables” being held monthly as Zoom webinars where successful CEOs will discuss topics around technology competitiveness and doing business in the Inland Empire.
Interested in joining? Write to us at